
Company Policy for the Use of Drones

NOTE: This policy is made in conjunction with Health and Safety Statement Health and Safety Statement for the Use of Drones on Location by Rebel Boy Media.

At Rebel Boy Media, we take the use of drones for our video productions seriously, and we are committed to ensuring that all our drone operations comply with the relevant laws and regulations. This policy sets out our commitment to safe and responsible drone use and explains the measures we have put in place to achieve this.

Compliance with CAA Regulations and Air Navigation Order 2016

We understand that compliance with the rules and regulations set out by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the Air Navigation Order 2016 is essential for safe and responsible drone use. We have obtained all necessary permissions, licenses, and registrations required for each flight, and we will ensure that all our flights are conducted within the limits of our CAA permissions and in accordance with the conditions set out in our Operations Manual. Our team of certified pilots are trained to operate drones in a safe and responsible manner and have a thorough understanding of the current CAA regulations and the Air Navigation Order 2016.

Safety Measures

We understand that the safety of our clients, crew, and the public is our top priority. We will always conduct a thorough risk assessment before any drone operation and take appropriate safety measures to minimize any potential risks. Our team of certified pilots are equipped with the necessary safety equipment to ensure a safe flight, including high-visibility clothing, hazard warning lights, and appropriate signage. We will also ensure that we have contingency plans in place for any unexpected circumstances.


We understand that having adequate insurance coverage for all our drone operations is essential to mitigate any risks. We hold public liability insurance that covers us for any damages or injuries that may result from our drone operations. Our insurance policy meets all the requirements set out by the CAA, Air Navigation Order 2016, and other relevant regulations, and we ensure that it is renewed and updated as required, in accordance with UK Regulation (EC) 785/2004, Insurance Requirements for Air Carriers and Air Operators.

Use of Different Drones

We understand that different drone models have different weight and size, and that they are subject to different rules and regulations. We use a variety of drones that differ in weight and are subject to different rules to allow us to film safely and legally in a wide range of different locations. For example, we use sub-250g drones to capture aerial footage in urban areas where there are strict regulations on the use of drones. We ensure that our team of certified pilots are trained to operate each type of drone in a safe and responsible manner and have a thorough understanding of the current rules and regulations that apply to each drone.

Site Survey

We understand that conducting a site survey prior to any drone operation is essential to identify any potential risks or hazards. We will always conduct a thorough site survey before any drone operation and take appropriate safety measures to minimize any potential risks. We will also ensure that we have contingency plans in place for any unexpected circumstances.

Non-Compliant Drone Operations

We understand that safety is paramount in all our drone operations, and we will not undertake any drone operation that we believe to be unsafe or in breach of any UK laws, CAA rules or regulations. If any part of an order for our services would require us to fly in a way that we believe is unsafe or breaks any UK laws or CAA rules or regulations, we will not complete that part of the order, and a refund will be issued accordingly.

Drone Control

Please be aware that our drones remain under the strict control of our staff. We will always ensure that our certified pilots are in full control of the drone at all times during the flight, and we will ensure that we operate drones in a safe and responsible manner.

We understand the importance of protecting our clients' privacy and data. We will ensure that any data collected during drone operations is done in compliance with all relevant data protection laws and regulations, including GDPR and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. We will always obtain the necessary permissions and consents from our clients before collecting any data, and we will ensure that any footage or data collected is used only for the purpose it was intended. We will also ensure that any data collected is stored securely and is only accessible to authorized personnel.

Health and Safety

We understand that the Health and Safety at Work Act places duties on employers to ensure the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their work, including drone operations. We will ensure that we comply with this act, including conducting risk assessments, providing necessary safety equipment, and ensuring that all employees are trained to operate drones safely.


We understand that maintaining open communication with our clients, relevant authorities, and stakeholders is essential for safe and responsible drone use. We will keep our clients informed about the drone operations and the safety measures that we have put in place. We will also communicate with relevant authorities and stakeholders as required, including obtaining any necessary permissions and notifying relevant parties of any drone operations.

Training and Development

We understand that continuous training and development are essential for ensuring safe and responsible drone use. Our team of certified pilots undergo regular training and development to ensure that they remain up-to-date with the latest regulations, technologies, and techniques. We also encourage our team to provide feedback and suggestions to improve our drone operations continuously.

By adhering to this policy, we are committed to ensuring safe and responsible drone operations that comply with all relevant laws and regulations. We regularly review and update our drone policy to ensure that it remains up-to-date with any changes in laws and regulations that may be relevant to our business in the UK. If you have any questions or concerns about our drone policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.